Sign Up for the District’s Alert System

The District has implemented a text alert system for the residents of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 450. This system is designed to keep you informed of issues related to the District in a quick and timely manner. You may receive messages in text alert format related to the water service in the District, drainage and sewer related topics, and other news that is relevant to the District.

Text message notifications will contain a short amount of information with a link back to the District’s website where the remainder of the information can be viewed.

These notifications are a great way to stay up to date on news and issues within the District and we highly encourage you to sign up and share this information with your neighbors.

To sign up for text notifications, please click here to visit the sign up page.

Storm Debris and Drain Blockage

To reduce flooding and ensure that storm water continues to drain uninhibited the District’s storm water drainage facilities must remain unblocked. Following a large storm, such as a hurricane, the most impactful things you can do to help are as follows:

  • REPORT DEBRIS AND DAMAGED FENCES to the Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 3 (“Precinct 3”) debris hotline at 713-274-3880. You can also call Precinct 3’s dispatch at 713-274-3100 if the debris hotline is busy.
  • Manually clear storm inlets from visible debris.
  • Do not place, pile or store any collected storm debris near storm water drainage facilities such as storm drains, manholes or culverts.
  • If possible, do not park cars on the street near or across from storm debris piles. This ensures that any trucks and equipment used by Precinct 3 for cleanup will be able to access the debris.