The District’s Independent Contractors

The District’s Board of Directors would like to remind its residents that each of the District’s consultants, vendors or any other of its contractors (including Harris County Constable Precinct No. 4) are independent contractors, and therefore, none of them are directly employed by the District. The District does not control the means and methods through which its independent contractors perform services.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding any of the District’s independent contractors, please do not hesitate to inform the Board. You may provide such information over the phone, through an email or by direct website message. The District’s contact information and messaging system can be found on the District’s website, under the “Contact” tab, To contact Harris County Constable Precinct No. 4 directly, call (281) 376-3472.

Board of Directors Members’ Opinions

It has come to the District’s Board of Directors attention that recent online communications have surfaced indicating that opinions expressed by member(s) of the District’s Board of Directors during discourse with other District residents, have been incorrectly asserted as being the position of the Board of Directors, as a whole. The Board, as the governing body of a governmental entity, only takes positions by voting on matters affecting the District at properly-called and conducted Board meetings. Please understand that each member of the Board has their own personal thoughts and opinions, just like any other person. When members of the Board attend in-person events, HOA meetings or other similar functions or interact online, they are often doing so in their personal capacity and do not speak on behalf of or represent the Board unless they explicitly state that they are present in their representative capacity for the District’s Board of Directors.

You may, as always, attend the District’s Board meetings if you have questions or concerns about the District. The Board of Directors of the District meets on the second Monday of every month at 10:15 am, and the agendas for and minutes from such meetings can be found on the District’s website, under the “Meetings” tab,

Storm Debris and Drain Blockage

HCMUD 450 expects post-Beryl storm debris cleanup to last for weeks to months, so we ask our residents to please be patient. To reduce flooding and ensure that storm water continues to drain uninhibited, the District’s storm water drainage facilities must remain unblocked. The most impactful things you can do to help are as follows:

  • REPORT DEBRIS to the Precinct 3 debris hotline at 713-274-3880. You can also call Precinct 3’s dispatch at 713-274-3100 if the debris hotline is busy.
  • Do not place, pile or store any collected storm debris near storm water drainage facilities such as storm drains, manholes or culverts.
  • If possible, do not park cars on the street near or across from storm debris piles. This ensures that any trucks and equipment used by Precinct 3 for cleanup will be able to access the debris.

NOTICE: Cancelation of July 8th Board Meeting

MUD 450 is aware of incoming Hurricane Beryl, and to ensure the safety of its residents, consultants and Directors it has decided to cancel and reschedule its July Board meeting currently set for Monday, July 8th at 10:15 a.m.

The District will reschedule this meeting and post the updated agenda as soon as possible.

Preparing for Freezing Weather

MUD 450 is aware of forecasts for upcoming freezing weather.

Please note that MUD 450 does not supply water or wastewater treatment. If there is a disruption regarding water supply or wastewater treatment, please follow the City of Houston and Harris County recommendations.

Lake Houston Dredging Project To Begin

The City of Houston will begin dredging Lake Houston near MUD 450.

The dredging will take place in and around Harmon’s Gully and the Waters Edge community. Mechanical dredging starts October 4th and will last approximately 26 days.

Hydraulic dredging will begin in early December and last for approximately 19 days.

For more information, please contact the Chief Recovery Officer for the City of Houston.

City of Houston Stage Two of Drought Contingency Plan, Effective August 27, 2023

Stage Two drought response imposes the following mandatory restrictions limiting outdoor water use to twice a week between the hours of 7PM and 5AM with the following schedule:

  • Sundays and Thursdays for single-family residential customers with even-numbered street addresses
  • Saturdays and Wednesdays for single-family residential customers with odd-numbered street addresses
  • Tuesdays and Fridays for all other customers
  • Any outdoor water use that drains onto adjacent properties or public or private roadways or streets or gutters is prohibited.

Any water customer who violates these watering times will be issued a written warning for a first time violation. Any subsequent violations are subject to a fine up to $2,000 for each occurrence of the offense (Section 54.001 of the Texas Local Government Code).

Visit to learn more.