It has come to the District’s Board of Directors attention that recent online communications have surfaced indicating that opinions expressed by member(s) of the District’s Board of Directors during discourse with other District residents, have been incorrectly asserted as being the position of the Board of Directors, as a whole. The Board, as the governing body of a governmental entity, only takes positions by voting on matters affecting the District at properly-called and conducted Board meetings. Please understand that each member of the Board has their own personal thoughts and opinions, just like any other person. When members of the Board attend in-person events, HOA meetings or other similar functions or interact online, they are often doing so in their personal capacity and do not speak on behalf of or represent the Board unless they explicitly state that they are present in their representative capacity for the District’s Board of Directors.
You may, as always, attend the District’s Board meetings if you have questions or concerns about the District. The Board of Directors of the District meets on the second Monday of every month at 10:15 am, and the agendas for and minutes from such meetings can be found on the District’s website, under the “Meetings” tab,